The little thing called paghanga

The little thing called paghanga
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Hello everyone my name is Kang Seulgi and I would like to tell you a story about how I met my one great love.                                       




Her name was Irene, she was the most beautiful person both inside out that I have ever known. She always helps others and teaches students when they need help with the lessons. I don't need it but I still ask for her help just to talk to her hehehe that's how whipped I am for her😍.

That's how kind and wonderful she is. Whenever she was near me or talking to me I feel butterflies in my stomach. Even once, I was getting bullied like any other time, but the only difference this time was Irene saw it and defended me. After that, no one ever bullied me again, well maybe also because she was always with me and gives death glares to whoever tried to bully me. She was like an angel so pure so kind and everyone likes her ..... everyone including me😌👌 

Some students began getting jealous of that because I was the outcast and Irene is Irene so what gives me the right to always walk side by side with her and have her attention right?? well that does nothing to her no matter how many people told her not to talk to me or to not always being with me she never cared about what they say. That maybe was the main reason why I fell for her.

When I fell for her I fell hard it was so deep that I was about to confess to her when It was our graduation day but things really did not go to plan. When I was about to confess to her there was a guy who suddenly called her and I immediately notice the smile on her face... it was brighter and her eyes shine more when the guy called him. She imidietly ran off and tightly hugged the man while telling him she misses him. I was left there just staring at the couple until I realized a lonely tear fell from my face and that was when my heart cracked. I never fell for anyone in my life Irene was the first person I fell for and also the first person who broke my heart. After seeing the couple, Irene noticed me staring at them and gave me a sweet smile I guess she did not notice that I shed some tears huh because she just told me her goodbyes and also told me she had to go with her boyfriend named Bogum. And there it was, the final piece to solve my assumptions.... she had a boyfriend...

And that was the end of my first love or so I thought because when I came back to Manila from my studies at Harvard and was ready to work at the company that recruited me after my graduation I met her...

She never changed not one bit, she was still really beautiful and still really kind to others. She was now my boss and that was shocking to me because from my research about this company her name was never seen but that was because she was just newly appointed so that is why her name was not there. Will, she still recognize me? that was all I thought when I saw her. I didn't really keep in contact with her, to begin with, so there was a high chance that she forgot about me already. Plus I changed quite a lot from what I was before. For example, after high school, I went to college at Harvard and there was a close gym there so whenever I feel bored or frustrated by my assignments I went there to work out a little. and I also began wearing nicer clothes than before when and fixing my hair and tying it into a neat bun or ponytail, I also switch from my eyeglasses to contact lenses and removed my braces from my teeth so now there were perfectly aligned. So yah I feel like she might not remember me or recognize me I mean my parents barely recognized me when they fetch me from the airport😒 so I really did not expect her to recognize or remember me.  

But then she never seems to stop surprising me even when this was the first time we saw each other again because when our eyes meet, she immediately said my name, which made my heart pound again, and I was afraid they might hear it. 

What's more surprising was she hugged me like no one was there and even our other colleagues were shaken by her action because they had never seen her like that. 

"Seulgi... It really you i-I miss you..." And with that, I froze on the spot her voice was just like before so soft and warm. She was still the same as before.

She never changed...


After Irene's surprise hug I kind of dragged her out with me because I was scared to cause more distractions to the workers who saw me getting hugged by Irene and also I felt like I just had to walk out from there because of the blush on my face when Irene said those words God😣 she still has that effect on me when she does something like this while saying she misses me😖 but I did not want to leave Irene there so I dragged her with me😋✌hehehe 

Now we are in a cafe near the office and well it was super awkward but after arriving at the cafe I did not notice that I was still holding Irene's hand and when I finally noticed that made my red face worse damn why am I always like this with her, I feel things that I am not supposed to that I know if I have this feeling for her it would just end up hurting me more. "Seulgi..." She called me and I turned my face to her to look at her and I froze on the spot 😧when I saw her red eyes it looked like she cried but why? "he-hey why are you crying???" I  asked worriedly and she just sniff and hugged me really tightly again. "I-Irene..." I stuttered while calling her but who wouldn't?? when a goddess is just hugging you and silently crying in your arms. "wh-why did you not tell me that you were leaving??" Irene managed to say with pain in her voice while still hugging me tightly as if when she lets go I would run away but the truth is I wouldn't want to go anywhere else besides here right now in Irene's embrace😆. "i-I'm sorry for not telling you... i-I was not planning on going, but after graduation, I kind of decided to just go since it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I thought no one really would miss me..." I tried to calm her down because she was crying and I did not like it since I know I cause that and she just looked too fragile. "y-YAH! 'sniff' 'sniff' 'sniff' wh-who told you that no one would miss u???... d-did you 'hiccup' 'hiccup' 'hiccup' not even think that I would??!?!?" she said irritatedly and that kind of made me scared for my life because I know I should never mess with an angry cute bunny ehem ehem... I mean angry Irene anywayzz I knew I had to calm her down and the only thing that I know I did before when we were in high school when she was mad at something or stressed in general, was giving her a hug while patting her back, so I did I hugged her with my famous bear hug that only her beside's my family gets it because I really was not the touchy type of person and only hug people who I am comfortable with and that only consist of Irene and family... that may have sounded sad but I really liked it even if I am only close with a few people I prefer it that way. Just like old times, she calmed down in my embrace. It was comforting to know that even if we were separated for how many years she still finds comfort in my embrace it made me feel a little bit happy inside. After that, we talked and talked and talked until I kinda wanted to know something which may or may not have made my heart a little broken well I guess it was a wreck in the first place so🤷‍♀️ 

"so hey umm I just wanna ask are u still in a relationship by any chance?" I was really nervous when I said it was like my heart was coming out of my chest and I guess her answer made my heart shatter in a million peace again I guess running away from her really did not help because for some reason one of my main reasons of why going back here is to see her again I really missed her and I felt like an idiot for not keeping in contact with her but at that time I thought that was my way of moving on... it didn't it just made my heart fonder of her. "well uhh yeah I am still in a relationship with him" I can see the uncertainty in her eyes I did not know why but I also did not prey on it anymore because I was kinda forced on trying to be unbothered by her answer but deep inside I was screaming at my self like 'you idiot why would you ask something that you know would break your broken heart, even more😤'. "well uhmm I think it was nice meeting you again Irene uhh I guess see you around the office?" me trying to run away again like a coward like the old times 🤦‍♀️ sometimes I feel like...... 

I am a runner and a coward🎵

I am running away when it gets hard 🎶

I can't take the pain, I cant get scarred   'again'

---A/N:btw heheh this was track star by mooski but I just changed a little in the lyrics🤣🤣 anywayzz back to the storyyy


And with that she agreed to go back to our office after the whole shooking hug and the crying thing I did say she was one of my main reasons for coming back was to see her but not in my wildest dreams did I think I would see her immediately and as my boss...


"Hello everyone, sorry about the whole commotion a while ago but please meet one of your new colleagues Kang Seulgi" Irene said in a most professional manner that if you would just arrive you wouldn't even know that she was hyperventilating a while ago. "uhh hello everyone my name is Kang Seulgi. Hope to have fun working with you all😃" I tried to sound friendly but I felt like I just made things awkward "ehme proceed with your work's now" Irene told them and they immediately worked.


One of the late nights that I had to work overtime and I noticed that it was only us on the whole floor

Just the two of us💃

We can make it if we try 

Just the two of us🎵

(Just the two of us🎙)

Building castles in the sky🏰

Just the two of us🔊

You and I 👭

A/N: hehehhe just thought it would be funny to add another song here btw this song is Just the Two of Us by Bill Withers and Grover Washington, Jr. anywayzzz back to the story🤣

some of the other workers went home already well it was a Friday night so everyone wanted to go home as fast as they can and lead to us being the only ones left I was planning on leaving but I kinda waited for you because it was late and you probably have a car or someone fetching you and most probably the latter part. But just to make sure that you were safe I stayed a little bit longer and well while waiting I also went and draw a little in my sketchbook it was a long time since I last drew because of work getting caught up with a lot of proposals and requirements that needed to be done immediately. I got a little bit too focused on what I was drawing that I did not notice you coming up to me and that startled me when you said 'hey' and that made you laugh a little "what are you still doing here? I thought that every worker would want to go home immediately after work and since it was a Friday fun day you know walwal time"

--- A/N:walwal if I spelled correctly is a term for partying and drinking a lot of alcohol in the Philippines hehehe anywayzzz I kept on saying anywayzz but yah anwayzz back to the story⁓

"uhhm uhmm well I uhmmm ummmm doing some work yahh some work then I uhhh thought that hey why not ask you for dinner becuase I know you have not eaten ye

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heheheh finally finished hope yall like it🤣


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